look at these symptoms

Ringworm symptoms and how to deal with them

Ringworm is a disease that can affect any part of the body. It is not life threatening but can be very unsettling and contagious. The disease can easily be treated with medication bought from the pharmacy and also the use of natural home remedies. Ringworm is mostly common among children.

There are different types of ringworms depending on the places they affect. The ringworm which affects the groin area of the body is called tinea cruris while the one affecting the feet is called tinea pedis. The symptoms of ringworm normally vary depending on the type of ringworm.

Ringworm Symptoms on various parts of human body

The symptoms of ringworm can easily be known by the appearance of the affected area. Below are some of the signs for different areas affected by ringworms:

ringworm symptoms

1. Ringworm of the scalp.

This type of ringworm begins with tiny lumps on the skin that spread to form a bigger pattern.

2. Ringworm of the hand.

It affects the spaces between the fingers and also the palms forming scaly, itchy patches.

3. Ringworm of the feet.

This type of ringworm will cause scaling between the toe of the feet. The heels and toes might thicken as well. There can be a burning sensation on the skin accompanied by a blister.

4. Ringworm of the nails.

This type of ringworm cause the fingernails and toenails to become swollen and yellow.

5. Ringworm of the groin.

It causes an itchy, reddish, and sometimes painful groin.

6. Ringworm of the body.

It is a very common type of ringworm that produces round, scaly, flat spots on the skin.

7. Ringworm of the face.

This will cause red scaly patches on the skin.

These common symptoms normally appear on the body after 4 to 10 days of exposure to the fungus.

Apart from treating ringworm with medication from the pharmacy, ringworm can also be treated through natural methods.

Natural Remedies For Treating Ringworm

If ringworm is not treated immediately, there can be complications. It can spread to other parts of the body. Before knowing how to get rid of ring worm , it is always advisable to consult your doctor in order to understand the severity of the infection. Below are some of the natural methods:

1. Garlic extract.

Garlic is considered a very good natural anti-fungal agent which is normally used to treat many fungal infections. The garlic needs to be peeled and sliced into small pieces. These pieces are then placed on the affected area then left over the night for a good result.

2. Apple vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar also has an antifungal property which can help in the treatment of ringworm. Undiluted juice is applied on the affected area with a cotton wool several times a day. This is done until the patches are gone.

3. Coconut oil.

The healing property of coconut oil is very effective in treating ringworm. The oil helps with the itchy feeling and also smoothens the surface. It is greatly used in the treatment of scalp ringworm. It is recommended that it is applied on the affected area overnight.

4. Aloe vera.

Aloe vera is a great remedy for getting rid of skin infections. It is an all natural method of getting rid of ringworm and other skin diseases. The gel is extracted from the aloe vera and applied on the affected area. It is left overnight then washed the next day.

5. Olive leaf.

Most parts of the olive tree have a health benefit. Olive leaf is a very powerful remedy for ringworm. Apart from the ability to treat ringworm, it also helps in the boosting of a person’s immune system.
6. Tea tree oil.

The oil contains antifungal property that can help in the treatment of ringworm. It is widely effective in the treatment of fungal infections and also to other skin problems like acne and pimples.
7. Mustard seed.

They are tiny in size but very effective in the treatment of ringworms. The seeds are soaked in water for an average of 30 minutes then grinding is done to form a thick paste. The paste is then applied to the affected area which helps in irritation and itching.
In conclusion, ringworm can easily be diagnosed. Action should be taken as soon as a person suspects that there is an infection. Natural remedies are very effective in the treatment of ringworm. It is, however, important to consult your doctor for cases that take too long to go away to avoid further complications.

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