Can Ringworm Return After Healing ?

Ringworm is an infamously common infection that is caused by a fungus and not a worm. Medically, the ringworm is known as tinea and classified based on part of the body where it occurs; for example, tinea pedi. The infection takes the form of a crusty rash that produces red circular ring-like patches on the affected skin and the condition has symptoms that include patches of hair loss, itching, blister-like scars, and scaly scalps. Ringworm is contagious and animals, especially dogs and cats, are notorious for its spread since they can pass it onto humans. Animals suffer similar effects, including circular areas of crustiness and hair loss.

Unlike infections actually caused by worms, ringworm can be treated relatively easily, using over-the-counter creams to fight the fungus. The fungus survives on skin surfaces for months on end and can thrive even on combs (they eat the keratin of hair), soil, and towels.

Treatment is based on the type of ringworm affecting which area. Do not scratch the area of infection because a wound could lead to a staph infection which is highly unnecessary and avoidable which could turn more serious.

For scalp ringworm, people typically use oral tablets to battle the fungus and common medicines are Lamisil (has Terbinafine) which has mild side effects but should not be taken by patients with liver disease, Grisovin (has Griseofulvin) is known for quickly disappearing side effects, and although anti-fungal shampoos block ringworm from spreading, ringworm does not get cured by the shampoos. With proper care and by taking medicine regularly, ringworm can be gone in 2-4 weeks.

Ringworm can return even after healing, perhaps multiple times despite treatment with creams and medicines. Each time, the same treatment can be used, but the patient can prevent the infection by maintaining a clean environment and bringing in pets for a check-up to make sure they are not infected. Find the cause to avoid it the next time. Clean the entire house, from the floor to washing all the sheets and towels in hot water with bleach. Sometimes, there might be another condition imitating the symptoms of ringworm which would require a visit to the doctor and a recheck on the diagnosis.

Phytozine is a well-known ringworm treatment that offers high efficiency through application of a topical ointment. The ointment uses an active ingredient called tolnaftate which can kill most fungal agents. Furthermore, the treatment boasts immediate results when compared to others and is FDA-approved. Phytozine targets and kills the fungi causing ringworm quickly and efficiently. The company has a 60 day satisfaction guarantee which can only further convince a person suffering from ringworm to try the product.

If you want to know how to get rid of ringworm then you can do this by disinfecting your bed after an infection and wearing clothes that provide ventilation, as any warm or moist place can be paradise for fungi to reproduce and spread. Keep your feet relatively dry and wear shoes when showering in shared spaces, especially locker rooms. Always disinfect and maintain cleanliness when it comes to pets, as they are the culprits of ringworm’s spread. Generally, sharing personal items with another person is never a good idea since a comb could relay lice or ringworm, and others could be infected without the person even knowing. Encourage children to exercise the same caution at school and lunchtime to prevent ringworm infections.

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